Three to four hours full of math problems, strategies, and formulas, calls for a break. A little distraction, if you will...
So I've been spending almost everyday in the city...whether it being an adventure with folks I havn't hung out with in months or years, studying at Muddy's, photo events, or just a lone adventure of picture taking and/or reflecting...
I think reflection is vital...Whatever one does from day to day, whether or not u have one crazy schedule, or even if you don't--- reflection is an important element towards growth.
The more time I spend in the city, I fall in love with it more and more.... I can't get enough of it. The people, weather, diversity, memories, events, adventures, all that good stuff... and I think that is why I got all sentimental yesterday. The whole day was thinking of how much imma miss everything when I'm in the Motherland for six months. Don't get me wrong, these nostalgic feelings aren't going to stop me from going, but it definately makes it a bit harder.
Anyway, getting sidetracked.... gotta read... =)
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