I'm at that point again... I'm sitting in front of my laptop struggling to start on my writing assignments for class, and I can't help but sidetrack. I guess to focus my thoughts into essay form, I have to focus myself... and to do that is to write it out.
That urge to simply just go has been pinching at me, and is beginning to punch at me. I wonder how long I will take the abuse... haha... so entangled I feel.
It's been a long time since I last wrote. Having people to talk to, kind of takes away from the writing time. But I think it is vital to have time to write, to see your words and thoughts reflected back to you.
Sometimes it is inspiration that leads to writing, photographing, painting, creating, etc... people sometimes wait for that inspiration. Like a beautiful surprise, it can come out of nowhere- heightening your awareness of life and urging you to create. But sometimes, one has to dig to get to that inspiration. Instead of looking out, look within.
I think a lot. I dig within. I ask a lot of questions. I am curious. I have a thirst to know. I have a thirst to create.
"In the abundance of water, a fool is thirsty." Mr. Bob Marley, a wise man, once said.
Quench that thirst. Just go. do it. take it. embrace it.
I feel deeply and I think deeper. I have accepted that about myself. It's all about focusing that depth into something tangible. "Controlling the spirit in order to attain harmony, and through compassion, offer it to others." --- That, i think, is the definition of art.