Sunday, March 1, 2009

In between projects....

I have basically been juggling projects for the past between the inauguration post-production book and show, to my documentary, to wedding and event photos, to TRYING to get my website together--- my life has been in front of this computer screen for WEEKS!!!

I just finished editing through the more than 1000 photos of the Golden Anniversary Wedding I photographed in early January.

I did have the time to take a break and go to the Andy Warhol Art Show at the DeYoung Museum. I had my preconceptions before going....but I'm glad I went. NOWHERE is NOW HERE.

And here is the one piece I did for SJSU's Inauguration trip. Come to the photo show at San Jose's MLK Library on March 11, 5th floor!!!:

44 years to the 44th President from dee dee on Vimeo.

Here and between Oakland and San Jose. Teaching multi-media to sixth and seventh graders... shooting. editing. living. loving....and drinking lots of tea.

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